📢🎧ATTENTION🎧📢 North Harrison High School is very excited to announce that we now have a PODCAST! The podcast is hosted by NHHS English teacher Mr. Danny Johnson and is called "NHHS Hodgepodgecast". Please visit the "NHHS Hodgepodcast" webpage (link b2elow) to listen to the introduction and to the first episode called "Music and Guitars". The first episode features special guest NH Senior Phoenix Biller. NHHS Hodgepodcast Link: https://www.nhcs.k12.in.us/o/nhcs/page/north-harrison-high-school-hodgepodcast
12 months ago, NHHS
Hodgepodcast Episode 1
Mr. Johnson and Phoenix Biller
Here is an IMPORTANT update about the NHHS BPA Strawberry Delivery! Delivery has been rescheduled to Sunday, March 3.
12 months ago, NHHS
Strawberry Delivery Update
Just a reminder that the NH FFA and Harrison County Farm Bureau will be hosting the 50¢ Breakfast tomorrow, Saturday, February 24, from 7am - 9am in the NHHS Cafeteria.
12 months ago, NHCS
NH FFA 50¢ Breakfast
This is a reminder that NHCS will be in session on Monday, February 19th, 2024. School will be closed on Monday, April 8th, 2024 due to the solar eclipse.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
NHCS In Session Reminder
NH FFA and Harrison County Farm Bureau will be hosting the 50¢ Breakfast on Saturday, February 24 from 7am - 9am in the NHHS Cafeteria.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
$0.50 Breakfast
North Harrison High School BPA is sell strawberries through February 16. 🍓A flat (8 store containers) of strawberries is $25 🍓A half flat (4 store containers) is $13 🍓1 quart (1 store container) is $4. If you are interested in purchasing any strawberries you can see a BPA Member or see Mrs. Allen or Mrs. Kerns Delivery is Sunday February 25 from 8-10 a.m. by the NHHS green houses/loading dock. Thank you for your continued support!
about 1 year ago, NHCS
BPA Strawberry Sales
NH Cougar Choir at the U of L Honor Choir Festival last night. 🎼🎶
about 1 year ago, NHHS
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
Honor Choir Festival
North Harrison Community Schools will be on a 2-Hour delay for Wednesday, January 17, 2024.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
2-Hour Delay 1/17/2024
North Harrison Community Schools will be on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
2 Hour Delay - 1-16-2024
Just a reminder that NHCS will not be in session on Monday, January 15, as we observe Martin Luther King. Jr Day. Everyone enjoy the long weekend and we will see you back on Tuesday, January 16, 2024.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
MLK Holiday
The North Harrison Cougar Madrigal Choir Dinner and Concert is tonight, December 5, in the High School Auditera. Dinner will be served at 6pm. Tickets can be purchased for $15/adults and $10/students. The concert will begin at 7 pm. Please consider coming out to enjoy some beautiful music and support the Cougar Choir.
about 1 year ago, NHCS
Madrigal Choir Dinner
All are welcome to come to the middle and high school bands' winter concert! There will be holiday classics and classics with a twist, along with a couple of special guest musicians!
about 1 year ago, NHCS
Winter Band Contest
🎄North Harrison High School Christmas Market🎄 November 18 from 10 am to 5 pm at NHHS. Please consider coming out to support small and local businesses.💗
over 1 year ago, NHHS
NHHS Christmas Market
On Saturday, our Mascot (Now semi-officially named Harrison) and the cheer squad marched in the Corydon Veterans Day parade.
over 1 year ago, NHHS
Corydon Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
Veterans Day Program - Cheer and Mascot
The North Harrison Veterans Day Assembly will take place on Friday, November 10 beginning at 8:45 am in the NHHS gym.   We are inviting all those who have served and sacrificed for our country. Our FFA will be hosting a breakfast in conjunction with our Veteran’s Day Assembly for all Veterans and their families on Friday November 10, from 7:00 am until 8:15 am in the NHHS Auditeria. If you are a Veteran and plan to attend the breakfast, please RSVP to this event so we can get an idea of how many people to cook for, online at: https://forms.gle/w6p3Q7KBvSrrG1Dv8
over 1 year ago, NHCS
Veterans Day Program
Veterans Day Breakfast
This is a reminder that Tuesday, November 7th is Parent-Teacher Conference day. There is no school for students.
over 1 year ago, NHCS
PT Conference Day
Hello NH Families: As we prepare for our upcoming Veterans Day Program on November 10th, we need input from our entire school. We want to make sure it is special for those who have served and sacrificed for our country. Our FFA will be hosting a breakfast in conjunction with our Veteran’s Day Assembly for all Veterans on Friday November 10, from 7:00 am until 8:20 am. If you are a Veteran and plan to attend the breakfast, please RSVP to this event so we can get an idea of how many people to cook for, online at: https://forms.gle/w6p3Q7KBvSrrG1Dv8 We will be honoring our students’ family and community members who are veterans with a commemorative chain around the NHHS gym on the day of the Veterans Day Assembly. If you’d like the names of your loved ones to be included, please provide their names and branches of service below. Please return this paper to school by Wednesday, November 1. You can also submit this information online at: https://forms.gle/tmgU14RTsjz4Hj6n7 The program will begin at 8:30 am. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, NHCS
Veteran's Day Program Info
Mrs Sauerheber's Landscape class completed the ground prep for the Gaga Ball Pit at Morgan Elementary today. Tomorrow Mr Murphy's Construction classes will assemble the pit. Big shout out to Eric Stroud from Stroud's Landscape & Lawncare and Robertson Crushed Stone.
over 1 year ago, NHHS
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
MRGN Gaga Pit
NHE 4th graders are going "gaga" over their new Gaga Pit! This project was a CTE/STEM Cross-Curricular Collaboration between NHHS Mrs. Sauerheber's Landscape & Turf class, Mrs. Kerns' Finance & Investment class, Mr. Sauerheber's Ag Power class, Mr. Shiner's Art class, and Mr. Murphy's Construction classes.
over 1 year ago, NHES
NHE Gaga Pit
NHE's Gaga Pit
Robertson Crushed Stone donated gravel for the gaga ball pit at Morgan Elementary. The delivery came today and was very entertaining for the students on recess. Mrs. Sauerheber's landscape class will be doing the ground prep tomorrow with the help of Eric Stroud, and Mr Murphy's construction classes will assemble the structure on Thursday. We appreciate the gravel donation and the work of Mr. Stroud and all of our classes making this possible!
over 1 year ago, NHHS
Robertson Crushed Stone Gaga Pit