Spring Break is next week (March 24th-March 28th). We will return to school on Monday, March 31st. Enjoy your time away and be safe!
9 days ago, NHCS
Spring Break 2025
Morgan Elementary PTO Fundraiser at SUBWAY tomorrow, Wednesday, March 19, between 4-9:30pm. 20% of all sales will be donated back to Morgan. 😋
12 days ago, MES
Subway PTO Fundraiser  for Morgan Elementary
Stop by and visit the NHCS booth at the Spring Job Fair Friday, March 14, 2025 from 9:00 AM -1:00 PM Harrison County Fairgrounds We look forward to seeing everyone this Friday and we hope you will consider joining us at North Harrison Community Schools!
17 days ago, NHCS
Come visit the NHCS Booth at the Spring Job Fair - 2025
🍓For those that ordered strawberries🍓 Strawberry Pick-Up is this afternoon, Wednesday, March 12, at the NHHS Loading Dock between 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
18 days ago, NHHS
Strawberry Pick-Up
🍓Traci Kerns and Shannan Murphy are going to do a second round of fresh strawberry orders. ALL proceeds will go to Caden Cole's family. For those who are not aware, Caden is a student at NHHS who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia.🍓 Please email your order toTraci at tkerns@nhcs.k12.in.us or Shannan Murphy at smurphy@nhcs.k12.in.us. Money can be paid at pick up. Strawberries will delivered this Wednesday, March 12 at 4:00pm by the NHHS loading dock. Get your order in ASAP to secure some delicious strawberries! 🍓Quart $4 🍓1/2 Flat (4 pints) $13 🍓Flat $25 Thanks for your support!!
20 days ago, NHHS
Round 2 of Strawberry Orders for NHHS
A big thank you to Conrad Brothers Moving and Storage for their donation of over 100 student desks to our middle and high schools!! We thank you!
25 days ago, Nathan Freed
new student desks
new student desks
new student desks
new student desks
new student desks
new student desks
📢📢IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE! 📢📢 The School Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 13th is being moved to Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 P.M. in the NHMS Cafeteria.
26 days ago, NHCS
NHCS School Board Meeting Date Change
🍓🍓STRAWBERRY PICKUP UPDATE🍓🍓 If you purchased Strawberries from NHHS BPA, you can pick them up today, Sunday, March 2, between 1-2 pm. Thank you for supporting the NHHS BPA program!
28 days ago, NHHS
Strawberry Pickup Update
🎷🎺📢Attention 5th Grade Families! It's time to start thinking about 6th grade, and that means joining our Cougar Band! Come to the middle school band room on Tuesday, March 11th, 4:00pm-7:00pm and your child can try the different band instruments, meet Mrs. Gordon the Band Director, and get more info on renting an instrument from Paige's Music (formerly Conrad Music of Corydon). Questions? Contact Mrs. Gordon at jgordon@nhcs.k12.in.us 📢🎺🎷
30 days ago, NHCS
Band - Try It On Night
The strawberries have been delayed. They will still be here Sunday, March 2, but we aren't exactly sure on the delivery time. Please plan to pick up between 2:00-3:00 p.m. this Sunday, March 2 at the high school loading dock by the greenhouse. There is a possibility they could be here earlier. If you want to call/text me (Traci Kerns) at 812-613-0003 after 10 a.m. Sunday morning I can give you a more exact time. Thank you for all your support of the NH BPA program!
30 days ago, NHHS
NH BPA Strawberry Pick Up Information
We are experiencing interruptions in our phone service at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
School will be closed on Thursday, February 20th. This will be a synchronous eLearning day with live instruction.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
NHCS will operate on a two hour delay for Thursday, February 20th. Weather conditions will be monitored overnight with the potential for more snow. If the decision to close is made, the day will become an eLearning day beginning at the regularly scheduled time sent out previously by each school.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
School will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th. NHCS will conduct a synchronous eLearning day consisting of live instruction and interaction. Attendance will be taken via Google Meets. Please contact your child's school with any questions.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
School will be closed on Tuesday, February 18th. NHCS will conduct a virtual eLearning day consisting of live instruction. Attendance will be taken by teachers via Google Meets. Plans and schedules have been sent to students and parents. Please contact your child's school or teacher with any questions.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
NHCS will be on a two hour delay for Monday, February 17th.
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
This is a reminder that school will be in session on Monday, February 17th. Have a great weekend!
about 1 month ago, Nathan Freed
Students from our NHHS Agriculture Structure Fabrication Construction class presented at tonight's school board meeting. They are doing some amazing things!
about 1 month ago, NHHS
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHHS Structural Fabrication Class school board presentation.
NHCS will be on a two hour delay for Wednesday, February 12th.
about 2 months ago, Nathan Freed
NHCS will have a virtual eLearning day on Tuesday, February 11th. This will be a synchronous eLearning day consisting of live teacher instruction and interaction. Plans and schedules have been sent to students and parents from each building. Please contact your child's school or teacher with any questions.
about 2 months ago, Nathan Freed